Deep Learning In Nano-Photonics: Inverse Design And Beyond


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Deep learning in the context of nano-photonics is mostly discussed in terms of its potential for inverse design of photonic devices or nano-structures. Many of the recent works on machine-learning inverse design are highly specific, and the drawbacks of the respective approaches are often not immediately clear. In this review we want therefore to provide a critical review on the capabilities of deep learning for inverse design and the progress which has been made so far. We classify the different deep-learning-based inverse design approaches at a higher level as well as by the context of their respective applications and critically discuss their strengths and weaknesses. While a significant part of the community's attention lies on nano-photonic inverse design, deep learning has evolved as a tool for a large variety of applications. The second part of the review will focus therefore on machine learning research in nano-photonics "beyond inverse design." This spans from physics-informed neural networks for tremendous acceleration of photonics simulations, over sparse data reconstruction, imaging and "knowledge discovery" to experimental applications. Published by The Optical Society under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
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