Covariant Density Functional Theory Input For R-Process Simulations In Actinides And Superheavy Nuclei: The Ground State And Fission Properties


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A systematic investigation of the ground-state and fission properties of even-even actinides and superheavy nuclei with Z = 90-120 from the two-proton up to two-neutron drip lines with proper assessment of systematic theoretical uncertainties has been performed for the first time in the framework of covariant density functional theory (CDFT). These results provide a necessary theoretical input for the r-process modeling in heavy nuclei and, in particular, for the study of fission cycling. Four state-of-the-art globally tested covariant energy density functionals (CEDFs), namely, DD-PC1, DD-ME2, NL3*, and PC-PK1, representing the major classes of the CDFT models are employed in the present paper. Ground-state deformations, binding energies, two-neutron separation energies, alpha-decay Q(alpha), values and half-lives, and the heights of fission barriers have been calculated for all these nuclei. Theoretical uncertainties in these physical observables and their evolution as a function of proton and neutron numbers have been quantified and their major sources have been identified. Spherical shell closures at Z = 120, N = 184, and N = 258 and the structure of the single-particle (especially, highj) states in their vicinities as well as nuclear matter properties of employed CEDFs are two major factors contributing to theoretical uncertainties. However, different physical observables are affected in a different way by these two factors. For example, theoretical uncertainties in calculated ground-state deformations are affected mostly by the former factor, while theoretical uncertainties in fission barriers depend on both of these factors.
superheavy nuclei,covariant density,functional theory input,functional theory,r-process
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