Generation of Quasi-Perpendicular Collisionless Shocks by Laser-Produced Plasma with Ions of Different Masses for Experimental Study of the Effects of Super-Compression of Earth's Magnetosphere by Giant Coronal Mass Ejections

AIP Conference Proceedings(2019)

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On the base of NASA [1] new approach about important role of Giant plasma releases of so called Coronal Mass Ejections (CME, with kinetic energy up to Ei 10363pr) from the Sun, we have started a series of simulative experiments [2, 3] with Laser -produced Plasma (LP), expanding into magnetized Background Plasma (BP) to generate laboratory Quasi -Perpendicular collisionless Shocks (Q -PS) by LP -piston for the first time. As a result of such experimental scenario, with the I,P-model of CME and Q -PS as interplanetary Collisionless Shock Wave (CSW, observed ahead of super-Alfvenic CME), we did a first comparative study of a quasi -stationary model of magnetosphere (by BP, overflowing magnetic dipole 1.1.) with its compressed form after LP formation and following Q -PS generation in BP. During the first set [3] of such experiment MagnetoPause-Shock (MPS), we had measured a maximal additional (due to Q -PS) compression near twice of the total (and global quasi uniform) magnetic field Bi inside of MP. Here we could present and discuss some specific experimental features of these ft -fields and both their models and distributions. Additional attention was done to the important collisionless processes of the Q -PS generation, especially in the given case of the different mass (m/z) of ions in LP -piston. For the last purpose a new data on the dynamics of such ions (H"and C'n) were presented including data of 2D and 3D calculations by Hybrid models with PIC (Particles In Cells) description of all ions.
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