
An Upgrade Beamline for Combined Wide, Small and Ultra Small-Angle X-ray Scattering at the ESRF

AIP Conference Proceedings(2016)

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This contribution presents the main design features of the upgraded beamline ID02 (TRUSAXS). The beamline combines different small-angle X-ray scattering techniques in one unique instrument. The key component of this instrument is an evacuated (5x10(-3) mbar) stainless steel detector tube of length 34 m and diameter 2 m. Three different detectors (Rayonix MX170, Pilatus 300K and FReLoN 4M) are housed inside a motorized wagon which travels along a rail system with very low parasitic lateral movements (+/- 0.3 mm). This system allows automatically changing the sample-to-detector distance from about 1 m to 31 m and selecting the desired detector. In addition, a wide angle detector (Rayonix LX170) is installed just above the entrance cone of the tube for optional wide-angle X-ray scattering measurements. The beamstop system enables monitoring of the X-ray beam intensity in addition to blocking the primary beam, and automated insertion of selected masks behind the primary beamstop. The focusing optics and collimation system permit to cover a scattering vector (q) range of 0.002 nm(-1) <= q <= 50 nm(-1) with one unique setting using 0.1 nm X-ray wavelength for moderate flux (5x10(12) photons/sec). However, for higher flux (6x10(13) photons/sec) or higher resolution (minimum q < 0.001 nm(-1)), focusing and collimation, respectively need to be varied. For a sample-to-detector distance of 31 m and 0.1 nm wavelength, two dimensional ultra small-angle X-ray scattering patterns can be recorded down to q approximate to 0.001 nm(-1) with far superior quality as compared to one dimensional profiles obtained with a Bonse-Hart instrument.
upgrade beamline,esrf,small small-angle,x-ray
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