
Unique Regulation of the DNA Methylation Machinery in Natural Hosts Contributes to CD4 Gene Repression and SIV Disease Non-Progression

˜The œjournal of immunology/˜The œJournal of immunology(2020)

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Abstract African green monkeys (AGMs) are natural hosts of Simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) that post-thymically downregulate CD4 to maintain a large population of CD4−CD8aa+ virus-resistant T cells which retain T-helper functionality. AGMs can become aviremic and apparently cured of SIV by down-regulating CD4 to completion. To understand the mechanisms of this process, purified CD4+ T cells from four AGMs, closely-related Patas monkeys, and rhesus macaques were stimulated with SEB for 5 days and RNAseq was performed on divided cells induced to downregulate CD4 (AGM, Patas) and those that maintain CD4 expression (rhesus). 1,917 DEGs were revealed to be common among divided, CD4-downregulated AGM and Patas T cells, yet unique from divided rhesus CD4+ T cells. Genes well-known to be regulated in natural hosts were selectively present in this dataset, including CD4, CD8A, and CXCR6 (p= 1.27e−27, 2.68e−5, 6.72e−15, respectively). Pathway analysis of DEGs revealed proteins involved in DNA methylation to be enriched in CD4-downregulated AGM and Patas T cells (p=0.013). Inhibition of DNA methyltransferases (DNMT) with 5-aza-2 deoxycitidine inhibited CD4 downregulation in AGM CD4+ T cells induced to divide in vitro (p=0.005), indicating CD4 can be pharmacologically manipulated in natural hosts. Cytosine residues within the AGM CD4 promoter region became methylated during CD4 downregulation in vitro (p= < 0.0001), and were stably inherited in AGM CD4−CD8aa+ T cells sorted directly ex vivo. These results suggest AGMs employ epigenetic mechanisms to durably silence the CD4 gene. Manipulation of these mechanisms could provide avenues for modulating SIV/HIV-1 entry receptor expression in hosts that become progressively HIV-1/SIV-infected.
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