Assessment of Slag Entrainment in a RH Degasser Through Physical Modelling Using Circulating Fluids of Different Densities/Oil Systems for Simulating Steel Melt/Slag

Minerals Metals & Materials Series(2017)

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In this work the circulation rates have been determined in a 1: 7.5 scale physical model of RH reactor (Ruhrstal Heraeus) and using oil/water and oil/zinc chloride solution to simulate steel melt/slag in the prototype with the objective of evaluating the influence of density and viscosity on the entrainment of oil simulating slag. A technique based on strain gage bridge and particle image velocimetry was developed to assess the circulation rate, as the usual tracer method is not feasible due to the presence of chloride ions in ZnCl2. The critical velocity and critical diameter of oil drops for slag (oil) entrainment in water/oil and ZnCl2/oil systems were estimated using equations from the literature. Due to the difference in density, the ZnCl2/oil system, showed a critical velocity that is 28% higher than the silicone oil/water system while the maximum size of the entrained droplets was about 65% lower than that for water/oil system.
RH degassing,Model,Circulation rate,Slag entrainment
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