High Temperature Mineralization Mechanism of Granules During Iron Ore Sintering Process

Minerals Metals & Materials Series(2017)

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Mineralization during sintering is a process to make part of the raw material melt after serial complex chemical reactions at high temperature. However, high temperature mineralization behavior of the adhesion layer and nucleus particles in the granules during the sintering process has been studied. Research findings reveal that solid-phase reactions between iron ores and fluxes in adhesion layer occurred first, of which the product would induct the generation of the initial liquid phase. By the assimilation of the initial liquid phase, fluxes which served as nucleus particles in granules, such as limestone and dolomite, could dissolve in the liquid phase and extend its amount as increasing temperature, whereas iron ore nuclear particles remained as unfused ores for their insufficient mineralization. Therefore, the mineralization proceeding for sintering was achieved: the iron ores in fine fraction (-0.5 mm) reacted with all fractions of fluxes to form the melt zone, while the coarse iron ores (+0.5 mm) acted as unfused ores, which formed the final sinters together with the melt zone.
Iron ore sintering,Mineralization proceeding,Granule,Adhesion fines,Nucleus particles
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