
Clinical Outcomes of COVID-19 in Long-Term Care Facilities for People with Epilepsy.

Simona Balestrini,Matthias J. Koepp,Sonia Gandhi,Hannah M. Rickman,Gee Yen Shin,Catherine F. Houlihan,Jonny Anders-Cannon,Katri Silvennoinen,Fenglai Xiao,Sara Zagaglia,Kirsty Hudgell,Mariusz Ziomek,Paul Haimes,Adam Sampson,Annie Parker,J. Helen Cross,Rosemarie Pardington,Eleni Nastouli,Charles Swanton, Jim Aitken, Zoe Allen, Rachel Ambler, Karen Ambrose, Emma Ashton, Alida Avola, Samutheswari Balakrishnan, Caitlin Barns-Jenkins, Genevieve Barr, Sam Barrell, Souradeep Basu, Rupert Beale, Clare Beesley, Nisha Bhardwaj, Shahnaz Bibi, Ganka Bineva-Todd, Dhruva Biswas, Michael J. Blackman, Dominique Bonnet, Faye Bowker, Malgorzata Broncel, Claire Brooks, Michael D. Buck, Andrew Buckton, Timothy Budd, Alana Burrell, Louise Busby, Claudio Bussi, Simon Butterworth, Matthew Byott, Fiona Byrne, Richard Byrne, Simon Caidan, Joanna Campbell, Johnathan Canton, Ana Cardoso, Nick Carter, Luiz Carvalho, Raffaella Carzaniga, Natalie Chandler, Qu Chen, Peter Cherepanov, Laura Churchward, Graham Clark, Bobbi Clayton, Clementina Cobolli Gigli, Zena Collins, Sally Cottrell, Margaret Crawford, Laura Cubitt, Tom Cullup, Heledd Davies, Patrick Davis, Dara Davison, Vicky Dearing, Solene Debaisieux, Monica Diaz-Romero, Alison Dibbs, Jessica Diring, Paul C. Driscoll, Annalisa D'Avola, Christopher Earl, Amelia Edwards, Chris Ekin, Dimitrios Evangelopoulos, Rupert Faraway, Antony Fearns, Aaron Ferron, Efthymios Fidanis, Dan Fitz, James Fleming, Daniel Frampton, Bruno Frederico, Alessandra Gaiba, Anthony Gait, Steve Gamblin, Kathleen Gartner, Liam Gaul, Helen M. Golding, Jacki Goldman, Robert Goldstone, Belen Gomez Dominguez, Hui Gong, Paul R. Grant, Maria Greco, Mariana Grobler, Anabel Guedan, Maximiliano G. Gutierrez, Fiona Hackett, Ross Hall, Steinar Halldorsson, Suzanne Harris, Sugera Hashim, Emine Hatipoglu, Lyn Healy, Judith Heaney, Susanne Herbst, Graeme Hewitt, Theresa Higgins, Steve Hindmarsh, Rajnika Hirani, Joshua Hope, Elizabeth Horton, Beth Hoskins, Michael Howell, Louise Howitt, Jacqueline Hoyle, Mint R. Htun, Michael Hubank, Hector Huerga Encabo, Deborah Hughes, Jane Hughes, Almaz Huseynova, Ming-Shih Hwang, Rachael Instrell, Deborah Jackson, Mariam Jamal-Hanjani, Lucy Jenkins, Ming Jiang, Mark Johnson, Leigh Jones, Nnennaya Kanu, George Kassiotis, Gavin Kelly, Louise Kiely, Anastacio King Spert Teixeira, Stuart Kirk, Svend Kjaer, Ellen Knuepfer, Nikita Komarov, Paul Kotzampaltiris, Konstantinos Kousis, Tammy Krylova, Ania Kucharska, Robyn Labrum, Catherine Lambe, Michelle Lappin, Stacey-Ann Lee, Andrew Levett, Lisa Levett, Marcel Levi, Hon Wing Liu, Sam Loughlin, Wei-Ting Lu, James MacRae, Akshay Madoo, Julie A. Marczak, Mimmi Martensson, Thomas Martinez, Bishara Marzook, John Matthews, Joachim M. Matz, Samuel McCall, Laura E. McCoy, Fiona McKay, Edel C. McNamara, Carlos M. Minutti, Gita Mistry, Miriam Molina-Arcas, Beatriz Montaner, Kylie Montgomery, Catherine Moore, David Moore, Anastasia Moraiti, Lucia Moreira-Teixeira, Joyita Mukherjee, Cristina Naceur-Lombardelli, Aileen Nelson, Jerome Nicod, Luke Nightingale, Stephanie Nofal, Paul Nurse, Savita Nutan, Caroline Oedekoven, Anne O'Garra, Jean D. O'Leary, Jessica Olsen, Olga O'Neill, Nicola O'Reilly, Paula Ordonez Suarez, Neil Osborne, Amar Pabari, Aleksandra Pajak, Venizelos Papayannopoulos, Stavroula M. Paraskevopoulou, Namita Patel, Yogen Patel, Oana Paun, Nigel Peat, Laura Peces-Barba Castano, Ana Perez Caballero, Jimena Perez-Lloret, Magali S. Perrault, Abigail Perrin, Roy Poh, Enzo Z. Poirier, James M. Polke, Marc Pollitt, Lucia Prieto-Godino, Alize Proust, Clinda Puvirajasinghe, Christophe Queval, Vijaya Ramachandran, Abhinay Ramaprasad, Peter Ratcliffe, Laura Reed, Caetano Reis E Sousa, Kayleigh Richardson, Sophie Ridewood, Fiona Roberts, Rowenna Roberts, Angela Rodgers, Pablo Romero Clavijo, Annachiara Rosa, Alice Rossi, Chloe Roustan, Andrew Rowan, Erik Sahai, Aaron Sait, Katarzyna Sala, Emilie Sanchez, Theo Sanderson, Pierre Santucci, Fatima Sardar, Adam Sateriale, Jill A. Saunders, Chelsea Sawyer, Anja Schlott, Edina Schweighoffer, Sandra Segura-Bayona, Rajvee Shah Punatar, Maryam Shahmanesh, Joe Shaw, Mariana Silva Dos Santos, Margaux Silvestre, Matthew Singer, Daniel M. Snell, Ok-Ryul Song, Moira J. Spyer, Louisa Steel, Amy Strange, Adrienne E. Sullivan, Michele S. Y. Tan, Zoe H. Tautz-Davis, Effie Taylor, Gunes Taylor, Harriet B. Taylor, Alison Taylor-Beadling, Fernanda Teixeira Subtil, Berta Terre Torras, Patrick Toolan-Kerr, Francesca Torelli, Tea Toteva, Moritz Treeck, Hadija Trojer, Ming-Han C. Tsai, James M. A. Turner, Melanie Turner, Jernej Ule, Rachel Ulferts, Sharon P. Vanloo, Selvaraju Veeriah, Subramanian Venkatesan, Karen Vousden, Andreas Wack, Claire Walder, Philip A. Walker, Yiran Wang, Sophia Ward, Catharina Wenman, Luke Williams, Matthew J. Williams, Wai Keong Wong, Joshua Wright, Mary Wu, Lauren Wynne, Zheng Xiang, Melvyn Yap, Julian A. Zagalak, Davide Zecchin, Rachel Zillwood, Josemir W. Sander,Sanjay M. Sisodiya, Santhakumari Carthiyaniamma, Jane DeTisi, Julie Dick, Andrea Hill, Karin Kipper, Birinder Kullar, Sarah Norris, Fergus Rugg-Gunn, Rebecca Salvatierra, Gabriel Shaya, Astrid Sloan, Priyanka Singh, James Varley, Ben Whatley

Epilepsy & behavior(2021)

引用 14|浏览48
In this cohort study, we aim to compare outcomes from coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in people with severe epilepsy and other co-morbidities living in long-term care facilities which all implemented early preventative measures, but different levels of surveillance. During 25-week observation period (16 March-6 September 2020), we included 404 residents (118 children), and 1643 caregivers. We compare strategies for infection prevention, control, and containment, and related outcomes, across four UK long-term care facilities. Strategies included early on-site enhancement of preventative and infection control measures, early identification and isolation of symptomatic cases, contact tracing, mass surveillance of asymptomatic cases and contacts. We measured infection rate among vulnerable people living in the facilities and their caregivers, with asymptomatic and symptomatic cases, including fatality rate. We report 38 individuals (17 residents) who tested severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2)-positive, with outbreaks amongst residents in two facilities. At Chalfont Centre for Epilepsy (CCE), 10/98 residents tested positive: two symptomatic (one died), eight asymptomatic on weekly enhanced surveillance; 2/275 caregivers tested positive: one symptomatic, one asymptomatic. At St Elizabeth's (STE), 7/146 residents tested positive: four symptomatic (one died), one positive during hospital admission for symptoms unrelated to COVID-19, two asymptomatic on one-off testing of all 146 residents; 106/601 symptomatic caregivers were tested, 13 positive. In addition, during two cycles of systematically testing all asymptomatic carers, four tested positive. At The Meath (TM), 8/80 residents were symptomatic but none tested; 26/250 caregivers were tested, two positive. At Young Epilepsy (YE), 8/80 children were tested, all negative; 22/517 caregivers were tested, one positive. Infection outbreaks in long-term care facilities for vulnerable people with epilepsy can be quickly contained, but only if asymptomatic individuals are identified through enhanced surveillance at resident and caregiver level. We observed a low rate of morbidity and mortality, which confirmed that preventative measures with isolation of suspected and confirmed COVID-19 residents can reduce resident-to-resident and resident-to-caregiver transmission. Children and young adults appear to have lower infection rates. Even in people with epilepsy and multiple co-morbidities, we observed a high percentage of asymptomatic people suggesting that epilepsy-related factors (anti-seizure medications and seizures) do not necessarily lead to poor outcomes. (C) 2020 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
SARS-CoV-2,Vulnerable people,Surveillance,Prevention,Care Models
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