
Visual and auditory verbal long-term memory in individuals who rely on augmentative and alternative communication

Michal Icht, Yedida Levine-Sternberg,Yaniv Mama

Augmentative and Alternative Communication AAC(2020)

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Augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) technologies provide individuals who have complex communication needs with an effective means to communicate. Yet the effect of these technologies on long-term memory is unclear. In addition, little is known regarding the impact of learning modality on memory performance of individuals who rely on AAC. The aim of this study was to explore the effect of AAC technologies on the visual and auditory verbal long-term memory abilities of 12 young persons who relied on AAC and had intact cognitive abilities. Participants performed 2 verbal memory tasks, in which familiar words were visually or aurally (i.e., auditorily) presented. The words were either actively produced using the AAC system or not produced (merely read or heard; a production effect paradigm). Memory tests followed. A production benefit (higher recognition rates for produced than no-produced words) was documented in both the visual and the auditory tasks. These findings support the active production of words via the AAC system as a memory strategy. Such technique may be easily used in everyday situations as well as in educational contexts. The results showcase the cognitive benefits of AAC system usage and provide significant insights into rehabilitation.
Augmentative and alternative communication,long-term memory,verbal memory,production effect,long-term modality effect
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