
Measurement of the Resonant and Non-Resonant Branching Ratios in $\Xi_{c}^{0} \rightarrow \Xi^{0} K^+ K^-$

J. T. McNeil,J. Yelton,J. Bennett,I. Adachi,K. Adamczyk,J. K. Ahn,H. Aihara,S. Al Said,D. M. Asner, H. Atmacan,V. Aulchenko,T. Aushev,R. Ayad,V. Babu,S. Bahinipati,P. Behera,M. Bessner,T. Bilka,J. Biswal,A. Bobrov,G. Bonvicini, A. Bozek,M. Bracko,T. E. Browder,M. Campajola,L. Cao,D. Cervenkov,P. Chang,V. Chekelian,A. Chen,B. G. Cheon,K. Chilikin,K. Cho,S. J. Cho,S. K. Choi,Y. Choi, S. Choudhury,D. Cinabro,S. Cunliffe,S. Das,N. Dash,G. De Nardo,R. Dhamija,F. Di Capua,Z. Dolezal,T. V. Dong,S. Eidelman,T. Ferber,B. G. Fulsom,V. Gaur,N. Gabyshev,A. Garmash,A. Giri,P. Goldenzweig,B. Golob,O. Grzymkowska,Y. Guan,K. Gudkova, C. Hadjivasiliou,K. Hayasaka,H. Hayashii,W. S. Hou,C. L. Hsu,K. Huang,K. Inami,A. Ishikawa,R. Itoh,M. Iwasaki,W. W. Jacobs,H. B. Jeon,S. Jia,Y. Jin, K. K. Joo,A. B. Kaliyar, K. H. Kang,G. Karyan,H. Kichimi,B. H. Kim,C. H. Kim,D. Y. Kim,S. H. Kim, Y. K. Kim,K. Kinoshita, P. Kodys,T. Konno, S. Korpar, P. Krizan,R. Kroeger,P. Krokovny, T. Kuhr,R. Kulasiri,M. Kumar,K. Kumara,Y. J. Kwon,K. Lalwani,S. C. Lee,J. Li,L. K. Li,Y. B. Li,L. Li Gioi,J. Libby,K. Lieret,Z. Liptak,D. Liventsev,C. MacQueen,M. Masuda, T. Matsuda,D. Matvienko,M. Merola,F. Metzner,K. Miyabayashi,R. Mizuk,G. B. Mohanty,S. Mohanty,T. J. Moon,R. Mussa,M. Nakao,A. Natochii,L. Nayak,M. Nayak,M. Niiyama,N. K. Nisar,S. Nishida,K. Ogawa,S. Ogawa,H. Ono,Y. Onuki,P. Oskin,G. Pakhlova,S. Pardi,H. Park,S. H. Park,S. Paul, T. K. Pedlar, R. Pestotnik,L. E. Piilonen,T. Podobnik,V. Popov,E. Prencipe,M. T. Prim,M. Rohrken,A. Rostomyan,N. Rout,G. Russo,D. Sahoo,Y. Sakai,S. Sandilya,A. Sangal,L. Santelj,V. Savinov,G. Schnell, J. Schueler,C. Schwanda,Y. Seino,K. Senyo,M. E. Sevior,M. Shapkin,C. Sharma, V. Shebalin,J. G. Shiu,F. Simon, E. Solovieva,M. Staric,Z. S. Stottler,J. F. Strube,M. Sumihama,T. Sumiyoshi,M. Takizawa,U. Tamponi, K. Tanida,Y. Tao,F. Tenchini,M. Uchida,S. Uehara,Y. Unno,S. Uno,R. Van Tonder,G. Varner,A. Vinokurova,V. Vorobyev,C. H. Wang,E. Wang,M. Z. Wang,P. Wang,M. Watanabe,S. Watanuki,E. Won,X. Xu,B. D. Yabsley,W. Yan,H. Ye,J. H. Yin, Z. P. Zhang,V. Zhilich,V. Zhukova


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Using the entire data sample of $980$ $fb^{-1}$ integrated luminosity collected with the Belle detector at the KEKB asymmetric-energy $e^{+}e^{-}$ collider, we present an amplitude analysis measuring the branching fractions of the Cabibbo-allowed, $W$-exchange resonant decay $\Xi_{c}^{0} \rightarrow \Xi^{0} \phi (\to K^+ K^-)$ with a polarized $\phi$ and the non-resonant decay via a direct process $\Xi_{c}^{0} \rightarrow \Xi^{0} K^+ K^-$. We present these measurements, relative to the normalization mode $\Xi^{-}\pi^{+}$, and find branching ratios $\frac{\mathcal{B}(\Xi_{c}^{0} \rightarrow \Xi^{0} \phi (\rightarrow K^{+}K^{-}))}{\mathcal{B}(\Xi_{c}^{0} \rightarrow \Xi^{-} \pi^{+})} = 0.036 \pm 0.004 (stat.) \pm 0.002 (syst.)$ and $\frac{\mathcal{B}(\Xi_{c}^{0} \rightarrow \Xi^{0} K^{+} K^{-})}{\mathcal{B}(\Xi_{c}^{0} \rightarrow \Xi^{-} \pi^{+})} = 0.039 \pm 0.004 (stat.) \pm 0.002 (syst.)$ which suggest that only minor cusping peaks occur in the combinatorial background of $\Omega^{*-} \to \Xi^{0}K^{-}$ due to these $\Xi_{c}^{0}$ decays.
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