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Stefano Pili, Carla Madau

International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM(2015)

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The present work discusses tools for representing and sharing knowledge about the urban building heritage energy retrofitting in a web based communication context.The efficiency Improvements of the old and energy-consuming European building stocks is among the key factors for the EU 202020 target, and, more widely, constitutes one of the paradigms for the transition to resilient city's model. The EU's SMART approach, proposed for the management of such complex process, involves holistically the various components of the urban system and emphasizes the central role of techniques and tools for construction, representation and sharing of oriented knowledge for involved actors. Public Administrations (PA) need tools for the design, evaluation and monitoring of strategic actions with various spatial scales (regional, urban, neighborhood, single building), investors and companies require information to guide their business and individual users via sharing information on a wide community can improve awareness on energy use and obtain suggestion on efficiency improvement of the property.Some case studies have been analyzed on critical issues delineated from the state of the art. Relationship between available base data, various survey techniques and the representation of the urban system based on more or less complex methodologies has been analyzed. The specific objectives of the tools with the base data availability, influence the spatial scale, the flexibility and the upgradeability of the representation. Stakeholders specific interests guide the synthetic approach adopted and define the informative thematic contents: rather specialized parameters of energy efficiency or more general sustainability indicators are often combined for knowledge representation. Complex methodologies offer more reliable and comprehensive results, but they are, generally, base data and resources demanding. Simple tools, at the contrary, are more affordable and simple to be exported in different contexts, but could lack precision and relevance. In conclusion, pros and cons of the case studies have been analyzed in order to define some guidelines for a representation and communication tool that could be used in contexts characterized by lack of base data and resources as it can be the case of Mediterranean medium and small municipalities.
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community based energy mapping,DSS,urban energy retrofitting
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