
Nanostructured Carbon-Titanium Multilayer Films Obtained by Thermionic Vacuum Arc Method

Nanostructured Thin Films XI(2018)

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Carbon-Titan (C-Ti) multilayer films were deposited on silicon substrates by means of Thermionic Vacuum Arc (TVA) method. The final thickness of the multilayer structures was up to 400nm. The coated layers consisted of a base layer of about 100nm of Carbon deposited at low evaporation rates in order to ensure its stability on the substrate. Subsequently, seven Carbon and Titanium layers were deposited alternatively on top of Carbon base layer, each of them has a final thickness up to 40nm. For this study we obtained different batches of samples by variation of the substrate temperature between 0°C and 400°C, and the ion acceleration voltage applying a negative substrate bias voltage up to -700V . A low deposition rate 0.14nm/s for C and 0.18nm/s for Ti respectively was used in order to obtain the precise thickness. The characterization of microstructure properties of as prepared C-Ti multilayer structures were done using Electron Microscopy techniques (TEM, SEM, STEM), and Raman Spectroscopy. TEM and STEM studies were performed on Philips Tecnai F30G2 at 300kV setup. Identification of the structure of the material was based on the data obtained from diffraction pattern with a Philips CM120ST using CRISP2 application, with crystalline material module (ELD). The morphology and thickness of the samples were also determined by SEM techniques with Quanta FEG450 setup. The thickness thus measured are between 155.4nm and 393.9nm. Raman spectra were measured at room temperature on a Jobin Yvon T6400 spectrometer using 514.5nm line of an Ar+ laser as the excitation source. The measurements reveal the content of diamond-like sp3 and graphite-like sp2; the ratio sp3/sp2 increases when the bias voltage increases. For tribological characteristics determination, systematic measurements were performed using a ball-on-disk tribometer made by CSM Switzerland with normal force of 0.5, 1, 2, 3N respectively. The coefficient of friction depends on the substrate temperature and on the bias voltage. To characterize the electrical conductive properties, the electrical surface resistance versus temperature have been measured using drop voltage between two ohmic contacts on the sample and drop voltage on a standard resistance in a constant current regime. Owing to metallic layer of titanium in multilayer films, mechanical and electrical properties can be improved.
TVA,Ti/C multilayer,TEM,SEM,STEM,EDX,Raman,tribological properties,electrical properties
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