Older patients in oncological rehabilitation Special features of psychosocial rehabilitation of patients in retirement age


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Demographic changes will lead to increasing numbers of older people with cancer. The survival rate for people of older age is also increasing, which represents a great challenge for the healthcare system. Rehabilitation as a part of this system has an important role in supporting and securing social integration and participation. Older patients have special needs and goals concerning physical, psychological and social aspects. Often patients do not reveal psychological and social problems or they are not recognized by the treating physician who does not take the right steps to recommend and prescribe an oncological rehabilitation, which can take care of these special needs. Oncological rehabilitation helps people to cope with cancer and its various consequences, which can have enormous negative and often lasting effects on the ability to deal with day to day challenges. Whereas younger patients particularly focus on occupational reintegration, retired patients need long-term support in securing their autonomy and ability to lead an active and satisfying life for as long as possible. Rehabilitation also deals with the possible psychological impact cancer can have and thus helps avoid chronification or the development of a mental disorder. The social services are concerned with people suffering from adverse living conditions, financial problems or problems of social integration, which can affect older people in particular ways. The need for support should be routinely assessed, so that older cancer patients can profit from a rehabilitation that is based on a biopsychosocial concept.
Demographic change, Long-term survivors, Coping with cancer, Social participation, Need for support
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