
Development of a Framework for the Assessment of Soft Skills in the ICT Sector

Operational Research in the Digital Era – ICT Challenges Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics(2019)

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In modern times and during the recent global economic crisis, a paradox has emerged: the workforce becomes more and more skilled and trained, while unemployment rates remain very high. The new generation shows a clear tendency towards education, by obtaining various diplomas and certifications. This situation has created a highly educated generation and therefore the selection of the appropriate employee is becoming as difficult as ever. Moreover, it becomes more and more difficult for a candidate to stand out among so many other equally qualified individuals. The elements, which can really make a difference, are the skills a candidate possesses. Skills are divided into two broad categories: technical skills and non-technical or soft skills. Technical skills include all the aspects of formal learning, which results in obtaining degrees and certifications. Nevertheless, the skills that can make a candidate really stand out are non-technical or soft skills. These skills include many personal characteristics of the individual, which form a unique combination of assets. Soft skills are not developed exclusively within the context of formal education, but are mainly part of a wider process of lifelong learning. The aim of the present paper is the development of a framework for the assessment of both technical and non-technical skills in the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) sector. In this context, content analysis of online job ads was conducted, in order to determine the significance of each skill generally in the ICT sector, as well as in each of the 23 professions included in this sector. The results demonstrate that every ICT-related profession requires a different ideal combination of skills. The implications of the present research will lead to a new, automated, and reliable personnel selection process, which assesses both technical and non-technical skills for a specific profession or job offering.
Technical skills,Non-technical skills,Assessment of skills,ICT sector,Content analysis
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