
Electronic Health Records and Pulmonary Function Data: Developing an Interoperability Roadmap. an Official American Thoracic Society Workshop Report

Meredith C. McCormack,Rebecca Bascom,Michael Brandt,Felip Burgos, Sam Butler, Christopher Caggiano,Anne E. F. Dimmock, Adrian Fineberg, Jeffrey Goldstein, Francisco C. Guzman,Cara N. Halldin, J. D. Johnson, Gwendolyn S. Kerby,Jerry A. Krishnan,Laura Kurth, Gareth Morgan,Richard A. Mularski,Cara B. Pasquale,Julie Ryu, Tom Sinclair, Nadia F. Stachowicz,Ann Taite,Jacob Tilles, Jennifer R. Truta,David N. Weissman,Tianshi David Wu,Barbara P. Yawn,M. Bradley Drummond

Annals of the American Thoracic Society(2021)

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A workshop "Electronic Health Records and Pulmonary Function Data: Developing an Interoperability Roadmap" was held at the American Thoracic Society 2019 International Conference. "Interoperability" is defined as is the ability of different information-technology systems and software applications to directly communicate, exchange data, and use the information that has been exchanged. At present, pulmonary function test (PFT) equipment is not required to be interoperable with other clinical data systems, including electronic health records (EHRs). For this workshop, we assembled a diverse group of experts and stakeholders, including representatives from patient-advocacy groups, adult and pediatric general and pulmonary medicine, informatics, government and healthcare organizations, pulmonary function laboratories, and EHR and PFT equipment and software companies. The participants were tasked with two overarching Aobjectives: 1) identifying the key obstacles to achieving interoperability of PFT systems and the EHR and 2) recommending solutions to the identified obstacles. Successful interoperability of PFT data with the EHR impacts the full scope of individual patient health and clinical care, population health, and research. The existing EHR-PFT device platforms lack sufficient data standardization to promote interoperability. Cost is a major obstacle to PFT-EHR interoperability, and incentives are insufficient to justify the needed investment. The current vendor-EHR system lacks sufficient flexibility, thereby impeding interoperability. To advance the goal of achieving interoperability, next steps include identifying and standardizing priority PFT data elements. To increase the motivation of stakeholders to invest in this effort, it is necessary to demonstrate the benefits of PFT interoperability across patient care and population health.
interoperability,pulmonary function testing,electronic health record
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