REEFocus: A VR/AR mixed reality digital game system for non-medication treatment of ADHD and remote monitoring with data privacy and security by design: the FocusLocus approach

Proceedings of SPIE(2019)

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ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) affects 7% of the population. ADHD causes behavioral problems, learning limitations and social exclusion. Current ADHD Treatment has limitations in terms of cost, drug-base medication, and labor-intensive educational treatments. Focus Locus aims to provide an alternative treatment based on gamification through VR, AR and Mixed Reality modalities, telemetry and remote monitoring. In this paper we present the REEFocus game system that has been developed in the context of the Focus Locus project and present the first analysis results of a two-month clinical trial in a companion paper. The paper is meant to give an overview of the REEFocus game system design and implementation, the pilot description and some preliminary validation results. A detailed analysis and results of the data collected during the pilot is still an ongoing process and the quantitative analysis results keep on being published as they become available.
ADHD,Game,Game Mechanics,Cognitive Exercises,Virtual Reality,Augmented Reality,Mixed Reality
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