
Simulating Soil Surface Temperature under Plastic Film Mulching During Seedling Emergence of Spring Maize with the RZ–SHAW and DNDC Models

Soil & tillage research(2020)

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Plastic film mulching has been widely used to increase soil temperature in areas with a cold spring. Reliable simulation of mulched soil surface temperature is important for initial growth of spring crops. The hybrid Root Zone Water Quality-Simultaneous Heat and Water (RZ-SHAW) model and the Denitrification-Decomposition (DNDC) model use different approaches to quantify the effect of plastic film mulching on soil temperature. A two-year field study was conducted to compare the performance of the RZ-SHAW model and DNDC model for simulating the 5-cm soil temperature (T-5) under varying plastic film mulching coverages during seedling emergence of spring maize. Three treatments were used in this study: no mulching (PMO), full plastic film mulch (PM100), and partial plastic film mulch with 60 % coverage, i.e. 60 cm width of plastic every meter (PM60). Compared with no mulching, PM100 and PM60 treatments enhanced daily maximum and average T-5 (2.53 degrees C and 1.25 degrees C, respectively; p < 0.05) while not affecting the diurnal sinusoidal phase change of T-5 (2.45 degrees C and 1.21 degrees C, respectively; p < 0.05). The RZ-SHAW model was robust for T-5 simulation under mulching condition with RMSE and NSE ranged from 2.01 degrees C to 2.51 degrees C and 0.68 to 0.84, respectively, while the DNDC model failed to predict T-5 for mulched soil with RMSE and NSE ranged from 2.79 degrees C to 4.33 degrees C and 0.25 to 0.46, respectively. Employing T-ms (air temperature between plastic film and soil surface) to replace soil surface temperature may be one reason for the poor T-5 simulation of DNDC in mulched plots. By contrast, the RZ-SHAW model ran a complete calculation for heat and vapour transfer within the mulched layer, which robustly simulated atmosphere-soil surface temperature gradient in the plant canopy, surface covering, and soil surface in a broader range of climatic conditions. Additionally, the longwave radiation reflected back to the soil surface by the plastic, which was not considered by DNDC model, was important and enhanced T-5 simulation performance for RZ-SHAW under mulching condition. It suggested to imbed the SHAW module into DNDC for a sufficiently precise simulation of soil temperature and gas emission.
Soil temperature,RZ-SHAW,Model,Denitrification-Decomposition,(DNDC) model
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