A Conceptual Framework for Understanding Transformation: Transformative Adaption of Refugees in Nakivale Refugee Settlement

Sustainable Development Goals Series(2019)

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Transformation has been identified as a better way to adapt to disasters and build resilience. This concept advocates for a paradigm shift in the way things are normally done in communities and governance and for equitable distribution of wealth and justice in communities. There are some examples of communities within which transformation is evident, and these changes have been observed to occur in three dimensions: political, social and technological. The aim of this paper is to consider a framework for transformative adaptation and to understand the practicality of transformation among displaced populations. This is important because study has shown that transformation, although recommended by researchers for adaptation, has so far been ambiguous and difficult in its implementation. Among the factors that determine this, there is no clear-cut standard upon which transformation is judged. The paper is based on secondary data sources from book, journals and Internet sources. We consider the case study of a refugee settlement in Uganda that reflects characteristics of transformative adaptation. Through this lens we develop a conceptual framework for understanding the transformation process in this context. We argue that the transformation starts through the emergence of knowledge, which is a form of social adaptation. This serves as bedrock for social, political and technological transformations. Further studies are needed to develop a basis upon which the success of transformation can be measured.
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