
Influence Of High-Intensity Interval Training On Fatigue, Depression And Anxiety In People With Multiple Sclerosis

Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise(2020)

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Sport and Exercise have been described to promote positive effects on psychosocial symptoms of multiple sclerosis (MS) such as fatigue, depression and anxiety. However, detailed recommendations for intervention programs in the rehabilitation of MS have not been proposed yet. PURPOSE: The present study aims to compare the influence of high intensity interval (HIIT) on fatigue, depression and anxiety in people with relapsing remitting and secondary progressive MS. METHODS: Within the framework of a single- blinded randomized controlled trial, 73 patients with MS conducted 3x/week for three weeks either HIIT (5×1.5 minutes at 95-100% of participants’ maximal heart rate (HRmax)) or moderate continuous aerobic exercise (MC) (24 minutes continuous cycling at 65% of HRmax) on a bicycle ergomete. Before (t0) and after (t1) the training period, fatigue, depression and anxiety were assessed using the multidimensional fatigue scale for motor and cognitive functions (FSMC) and the Hospital and anxiety scale (HADS). Effects of within (t0 vs. t1) - and between (HIIT vs. MC, relapsing remitting type vs. secondary progressive type) - subjects have been analyzed by baseline- adjusted analysis of variance (ANCOVA). RESULTS: At the time of allocation, 68 patients were identified to have mild fatigue (sum score ≥ 43) and were included in the analysis of FSMC. ANCOVA revealed significant time effects for the FSCM sum score (F(1)= 7.188, p= .009). While people with relapsing remitting type of MS improved in both HIIT (p≤.001) and MC (p= .012), no alterations were observed for people with secondary progressive type of MS. However, neither significant group nor interaction effects were revealed for all FSMC outcomes. Regarding HADS, 38 patients with mild depression or anxiety (HADS-TS ≥ 8) at the time of allocation were analyzed. No significant time, group and interaction effect for any outcome was observed. CONCLUSION: There are no differences in the impact of HIIT vs. MC on fatigue, depression and anxiety in people with MS. However, people with relapsing remitting MS tend to react more sensible for positive effects of aerobic exercise in general regarding fatigue than people with secondary progressive MS. Nonetheless, results need to be taken with caution, since no main effect for group and MS type was detected.
multiple sclerosis,fatigue,anxiety,training,high-intensity
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