QR Code based Indoor Navigation system for Attender Robot

A. Sneha, V. Teja,Tusar Mishra, Kuppili Satya Chitra

the internet of things(2020)

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In this paper, we elicit a cost-effective design of a robot that is used to perform the tasks of the attender, a wheeledmobile robot. The two main challenging aspects of mobile robotics are to achieve localization and navigation.Localization determines the location of the robot with respect to its environment. Navigation is the movement ofthe robot from one location to the other. Here, the unique design and representation of the QR code helped us tolocalize and navigate the robot. A raspberry pi mounted with a camera is used to interface with the robot. Thetriangulation method is used to localize the robot. Dijkstra’s algorithm is used to compute the shortest path fromsource to destination. The system is monitored tested based on the feedback system established by the Hologramcellular USB modem. Experimental results show that this approach has good feasibility and effectiveness. Therobot navigates through the shortest path, performs specified tasks, and returns to its source.
localization,navigation,qr code,raspberry pi,hologram cellular usb modem
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