
Modelling of Vignetting Effects in Full-Field X-ray Fluorescence Imaging System Based on Pinhole Optics

Spectrochimica acta Part B, Atomic spectroscopy(2020)

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The full field X-ray fluorescence (FF-XRF) imaging is a technique capable of analysing the spatial distribution of elements in a sample. An alternative technique is the scanning macro-XRF method. Both techniques are powerful tools for non-destructive analysis of artworks mainly historical paintings. Technically, FF-XRF imaging is usually realised by coupling of a pinhole camera and a position sensitive and energy dispersive X-ray detector. The main advantages of the pinhole camera are its simplicity and infinite depth of field, however it introduces vignetting. For a visible light pinhole camera one distinguishes natural vignetting following the cos4 law and mechanical vignetting due to finite thickness of the camera. For an X-ray pinhole camera one has to take into account an additional component of vignetting due to absorption of X-rays in the air or other gas unless the setup is kept in vacuum. The goal of this study is to work out an analytical model of vignetting effects for a FF-XRF apparatus using an X-ray pinhole camera. Complete quantitative characterisation of the vignetting effects is a key step towards proper correction of the vignetting artefacts in recorded images. The elaborated analytical model has been applied to the images acquired with the FF-XRF apparatus being developed and an example of vignetting correction is presented.
XRF imaging,Full-field XRF,Pinhole camera,Fundamental parameter method,Vignetting effect
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