eff is measured by two visible bremsstrahlung diagnostics on HL-2A"/>

Zeff Measurement in Ohmic, L- and H-Mode Plasmas on HL-2A Tokamak

IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science(2020)

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Z eff is measured by two visible bremsstrahlung diagnostics on HL-2A tokamak, one of which uses a high spectral resolution spectrometer coupled with an electron multiplied CCD (temporal resolution of 100 Hz), and the other uses a filterscope system (temporal resolution of 1 MHz). The bremsstrahlung brightness measured by them coincides with each other very well. Z̅ eff is systematically measured under different discharge conditions, such as divertor and limiter configurations, ohmic and auxiliary heating phases, before and after siliconization, and L-H transition. Under ohmic phase, Z̅ eff is higher in the limiter configuration than that in the divertor configuration by a factor of ~1.5 under high-density regime. Z̅ eff increases in all cases of auxiliary heating scenarios due to enhanced plasma-wall interaction, accompanied by influx increases of low ionization states of impurities such as C 2+ and Fe 1+ in plasma edge. Siliconization for wall conditioning is prominently effective in lowering the main impurity influxes in plasma edge and thus the impurity level, and a concentration of ~4% for carbon and ~0.2% for iron is roughly evaluated for a typical nonsiliconized plasma. A simple relationship that Zeff is positively correlated with Φ in and τ p is verified from the Land H-mode features, where Φin is the impurity influx and τ p the particle confinement time. A nearly constant Z̅ eff evolution is observed during L-H and H-L transition and it seems that Z̅ eff is insensitive to L-H and H-L transition under some Z eff (0) threshold. The Z eff profiles are flat/weakly hollow in plasma core region (rho <; 0.7) in case of low Z eff (0) and tend to be peaked when Z eff (0) is larger than 3, which agrees with the neoclassical theory prediction.
Impurity influx,neoclassical theory,particle confinement,Zeff profile
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