Growth, Productivity and Profitability of Fodder Sorghum and Cluster Bean as Influenced by Mixed Cropping and Nutrient Management


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Background: The year round green forage supply for better health and productivity of the animals can be ensured by mixed cropping of cereal and legume forages along with proper nutrient management. Keeping these facts in mind an experiment was carried out to analyse growth, productivity and profitability of fodder sorghum and clusterbean as influenced by mixed cropping and nutrient management. Methods: Experiment was laid out in factorial randomized complete block design with four seed rate combinations of sorghum and clusterbean (S-1 - sole sorghum, S-2 - sole clusterbean, S-3 - 75% sorghum + 25% clusterbean and S-4 - 60% sorghum + 40% clusterbean) along with six nutrient management treatments (N-1 - 100% RDF, N-2 - 100% RDF + PGPR, N-3 - 100% RDF + seaweed extract, N-4 - 75% RDF + PGPR, N-5 - 75% RDF + seaweed extract and N-6 - 50% RDF + PGPR + seaweed extract) in three replications. The growth of crops was evaluated in terms of plant height, leaf length, leaf width, number of leaves, leaf stem ratio and stem girth which all together contributed towards the fodder yield. Result: In sorghum crop the growth was not statistically different between the treatments S-1 and S-3 but in clusterbean sole crop recorded higher growth yet the influence was not significant on all parameters. Among nutrient management N-1, N-2 and N-3 treatments recorded higher growth and thus yield in both crops which was not statistically different from N-5 treatment. The correlation study indicated that cumulative influence of these growth parameters resulted in higher green and dry fodder yield under sole crop. Whereas in mixed cropping S-3 treatment recorded significantly at par fodder yield to S-1. The evidence presented above shows that 75% sorghum + 25% clusterbean mixed cropping treatment with 75% RDF + seaweed extract served its purpose of fodder yield enhancement.
Clusterbean, Fodder yield, Mixed cropping, Nutrient management, Sorghum
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