
Using Family and Ecological Systems Approaches to Conceptualize Family- and Community-Based Experiences of Transgender And/or Nonbinary Youth from the Trans Teen and Family Narratives Project.

Psychology of sexual orientation and gender diversity(2022)

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The current study used family and ecological systems approaches to understand transgender and/or nonbinary (TNB) youths' experiences of their gender identity within family and community contexts. A sample of 33 TNB youth, ages 13-17 years (M = 15.18, SD = 1.24), were recruited from community-based venues in the New England region of the United States to participate in the Trans Teen and Family Narratives Project, a longitudinal community-based mixed methods study. TNB youth in the sample identified as trans girls (n = 12), trans boys (n = 17), and nonbinary (n = 3 assigned female at birth; n = 1 assigned male at birth). Race/ethnicity of the sample was 73% White and 15% mixed race/ethnicity. All participants completed a one-time, in-person semi-structured qualitative interview at baseline about their family and community-based experiences related to their TNB identity. Interviews were audio-recorded and professionally transcribed. Interview transcripts were coded and analyzed using immersion/crystallization and thematic analysis approaches. Eight themes were developed, which correspond to different levels of the ecological systems model: individual-level (identity processes, emotions/coping), family-level (general family experiences, family support), community-level (general community experiences; community support; lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer (LGBTQ) community), and societal/institutional-level (external forces). Findings emphasize the importance of using family and ecological systems approaches to understanding the family- and community-based experiences of TNB youth and have implications for improving clinical practice with TNB youth and families.
adolescents,ecological systems,family systems,gender minority,transgender
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