Evaluation Model for the Level of Service of Shared-Use Paths Based on Traffic Conflicts


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As a product of urban motorized traffic, sharing roads between pedestrians and non-motor vehicles has been widely used in the world. In order to improve the service quality of slow traffic, it is necessary to evaluate the service level of the shared-use path to determine whether the road is suitable for setting up shared forms. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to provide an analytical framework to quantify and accurately express the service level of shared-use paths. Considering the direct impact of traffic conflicts on service quality, fuzzy clustering analysis is used to analyze traffic conflicts. Then, the corresponding relationship between traffic conflict events and service levels is established, and the classification criteria of the service levels at all levels and the corresponding range of conflict events are determined. By judging the interval in which the number of conflict events belongs, we can determine the service level of the shared-use path, and then determine whether the slow-moving road is suitable for sharing between pedestrians and non-motor vehicles. The research results can provide a reference for traffic management departments to determine the service level and applicability of shared roads.
shared-use paths,traffic conflicts,service level,isolation facilities
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