Effect of glutathione on membrane integrity of bovine spermatozoa during cryopreservation of extended semen in tris based dilutor

The Pharma Innovation Journal(2019)

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The present investigation was aimed to study the effect of Glutathione on membrane intigrity of Hariana bull spermatozoa through Hypo-Osmotic Swelling Test (HOST) during the different stages of semen preservation; after dilution, pre-freeze and post thaw, using Tris based dilutors. After the primary evaluation like progressive motility more than 70% and sperm concentration more than 600 millions spermatozoa/ml of collected ejaculates (N=24) of bulls were used for cryopreservation. The samples were extended in a Glycerolated Egg Yolk Tris (GEYT) Extender upto 80 millions sperm /ml. Addition of various concentrations 0.0 mM (Control), 0.5 mM (T1) \u0026 1.0 mM (T2) of Glutathione was done in the diluted semen. Semen was frozen in liquid nitrogen vapour in French Mini Straw. The plasma membrane integrity of spermatozoa was evaluated through HOST. A significant difference(P\u003c0.05) was observed between control and treatment groups for mean percentage of HOST reacted spermatozaoa after dilution of semen with the mean of 76.30±0.38, 85.00±0.41 and 79.83±0.49 percent in control, T1 and T2 groups respectively. Similar trend was aslo observed at pre-freez stage in control, T1 and T2 groups with the mean of 67.47±0.34, 77.14±0.83 and 72.72±0.48 percent respectively. The percentage of HOST reactive spermatozoa was significantly (P\u003c0.05) higher in treatment groups at post-thaw stage with mean value of 53.15±0.61, 65.33±0.53 and 59.84±0.58 in control, T1 and T2 groups respectively. Addition of 0.05 mM (T1) Glutathione was found signinificantly different between the two treatments and more benificial in terms of membrane integrity compared to 0 mM (control) and 1.0 mM (T2) in all the stages of (after dilution, pre-freezing and following post-thaw) semen preservation. There is no any signifcant difference between the bulls in term of HOST reactive spermatozoa.
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