Graph Edit Distance optimized with Greedy Algorithm for Similarity Search in Business Process Graphs

Siti Saadah, Muhammad Faizal Eko Saputro,Kemas Rahmat Saleh Wiharja

2020 International Conference on Data Science and Its Applications (ICoDSA)(2020)

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Business process is a way to create work system in a company or institution. Business process make delegation of work distributed well suitable based on work location. It is also important as a system measurement of performance, like reducing about redundant of work. This research concern to find the similarity search in business process using Business Process Graph (BPG). BPG is a model that search the similarity node using Graph Edit Distance (GED) concept. Measurement of the distance that optimized using greedy algorithm to reduce NP-Problem from GED. The experiment shown that 23 of process business can be used to evaluate the similarity in business process TelU. Research result said that the comparison of business processes based on business processes of STISI Telkom which has the fewest business processes amounted to 65. It caused by Value of minimum similarity value node (MSNV) does not affect the similarity value if the BPG (Business Process Graphs) which compared identical same and influential for comparison BPG which have some similarities. Besides, the results of the similarity search found 23 business processes recommended to QAU (Quality Assurance Unit) TelU that can be used for reevaluation in the business processes of TelU.
similarity search,business process,business process graphs,graph edit distance,matching graph,greedy algorithm
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