
Abstract 283: Western Diet Induces Diastolic Dysfunction Linked to Impaired Cardiac Lipid Storage Dynamics That Predate Systolic Dysfunction

Circulation research(2020)

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Western diet (WD), containing high fat and high refined sugar, is associated with increased risk of cardiovascular disease. However, mechanisms linking WD to cardiomyopathy are far from understood. We hypothesize that WD induces cardiac dysfunction by dysregulation of cardiac lipid dynamics. Adult C57BL/6J mice were fed with either standard chow (CON, fat 4.5 %, sucrose 0%) or western diet (WD, fat 45%, sucrose 21%). At 20 weeks, WD mice exhibited higher body mass, reduced glucose tolerance, and increased isovolumetric relaxation time (IVRT), with no systolic dysfunction vs. CON. However, at 24 weeks, WD caused both systolic and diastolic dysfunction with decreases in left ventricular ejection fraction (66±2% CON vs. 54±2 WD, P <0.05) and fractional shortening (35±2% CON vs. 27±1 WD), with elevated IVRT and E/E’ ratio vs CON. Real time, dynamic-mode 13 C NMR and endpoint LC/MS of isolated perfused hearts supplied 13 C palmitate and 13 C oleate, with unlabeled glucose and lactate, revealed elevated TG content (28% increase vs. CON) with reduced TG turnover in WD hearts (35% decrease vs. CON), concurrent with early diastolic dysfunction at 20 weeks and preceding systolic dysfunction at 24 weeks. WD induced lower content of the TG lipase, ATGL (48% vs. CON), with no change in the TG synthase, DGAT1, suggesting elevated cardiac TG and lower TG turnover are due to reduced TG hydrolysis and not TAG synthesis. Impaired lipid storage dynamics can cause increased generation of potentially lipotoxic acyl intermediates, leading to cardiac dysfunction. The mitochondrial long chain fatty acid transporter, CPT1b was reduced (50%), with no change in the lesser, co-expressed CPT1a isoform in WD hearts. Despite reduced CPT1b in WD hearts, contributions from LCFAs to acetyl CoA production in the citric acid cycle were unchanged, suggesting that the WD provided sufficient LCFAs for mitochondrial oxidation and that the reduced CPT1b was not limiting. In conclusion, western diet expands the TG pool but impairs fat storage dynamics via low ATGL, leading to early diastolic dysfunction and eventual systolic dysfunction. Nutrient overload from WD leads to impaired cardiac lipid dynamics with early diastolic dysfunction that is distinguished from HFpEF due to later systolic dysfunction.
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