On-line beam monitoring and dose profile measurements of a 208Pb beam of 150 GeV/n with a liquid-filled ionization chamber array

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment(2021)

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In this study, the possibility of on-line monitoring of an ultra-high-energy (UHE) beam of 150 GeV/n lead (208Pb) ions using a liquid-filled ionization chamber array (OCTAVIUS 1000SRS, PTW Freiburg, Germany) is evaluated. The applicability of the array has been tested for the investigated beam, where adequate adjustments of the array have been made for measurements under very low fluxes of 102 to 104 ions / cm2/s. The results have been compared to measurements obtained using the standard beam line detectors, such as a scintillator and a delay wire chamber (DWC). Since these detectors were situated further upstream from the experimental position, measurements with these devices may not be representative of the beam characteristics at setup due to the interactions of the primary beam particles within these detectors and the subsequent transport of these particles between these detectors and the setup. The main advantage of the application of the liquid-filled array is its portability so that it can be placed directly at the position of the experimental setup to capture the beam characteristics. A comparison between the measured beam profile and independent film measurements has demonstrated its reliability for analysing the beam characteristics. In this context, the 2D array has been implemented to measure on-line not only the 2D beam profile but also the total imparting particle fluence of the UHE lead beam by using the measured dose and considering the calibration of the detector.
CERN,FLUKA,Monte Carlo simulation,High energy physics instrumentation,High luminosity LHC,Ultra-high-energy beam
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