IoT mobile device Data Offloading by Small-Base Station Using Intelligent Software Defined Network.

Sony Guntuka, Elhadi M. Shakshuki,Ansar Yasar

Procedia Computer Science(2020)

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Abstract The growing number of IoT devices and the different computing and communication capabilities of IoT devices require an efficient offloading scheme. This offloading scheme need to consider the mobility of IoT devices and helps to intelligently select the optimal server for offloading. An efficient offloading scheme need to take in consideration important factors such as mobility of the IoT user device, speed and direction of the IoT user device as well as the computational capabilities of the user mobile device and the load of nearby servers. Unbalanced load of data or task offloading lead to high latency and poor services. An optimal selection of offloading server will clearly improve latency and QoS. Some new architecture of cellular network suggest the deployment of small-cell base stations (SBS) [1], [2] with a certain computing capabilities which can help offloading task of IoT mobile device or of their nearby SBS. In smart city environment, the mobile IoT device user needs to choose an SBS from several available SBSs within the its communication proximity. In this paper, we propose a Smart Ranking based Task Offloading approach for selecting an SBS and to improve the Quality of Service. This approach uses Q-Learning for SBS selection which will be modelled in Software Defined Network controller to deal with the problem of choosing the SBS in an intelligent way for Task offloading.
Road-Side Unit,Software Defined Network,Reinforcement Learning,Mobile Edge Computing
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