
Sharpnizer: A C# Static Code Analysis Tool for Mission Critical Systems

Advances in science, technology and engineering systems journal(2020)

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A R T I C L E I N F O A B S T R A C T Article history: Received: 10 September, 2020 Accepted: 07 October, 2020 Online: 20 November, 2020 Until recent years, code quality was not given due significance, as long as the system produced accurate results. Taking into account the implications and recent losses in critical systems, developers have started making use of static code analysis tools, to assess the eminence of source code in terms of quality. Static code analysis is conducted before the system is sent into production. The analysis aims to identify the veiled defects and complex code structures that result in the decrement of code quality or are likely to become a cause of malfunction during execution. To address this line of work, this research paper presents a static code analyzer for C#, named as sharpniZer. The key purpose of this tool is to verify the compliance of the source code written in C#, in congruence with the target set of rules defined for analysis as per the accepted industry standards set particularly for the development of mission-critical systems. sharpniZer efficiently figures out the lines of source code that hold probable concern appertain to the category of design rules, usage rules, maintainability rules, inefficient code, complexity, object model and API rules, logical rules, exception, incomplete code, and naming conventions. Each violation encountered in source code is ranked by the severity level as: critical, major, and minor. The tool shall prove to be worthwhile, especially if utilized in critical systems.
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