
195 Using Phytogenics to Improve Energy-Corrected Milk

Journal of animal science/Journal of animal science and ASAS reference compendium(2020)

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Abstract Phytogenic feed additives are plant-derived products that have beneficial properties on inflammation, digestion, and rumen function. These benefits are of particular interest in lactating dairy cows due to the increased pressure on efficiency in milk production. Therefore, three studies over approximately 3,100 cows were conducted to determine the effect of Digestarom® Dairy (DD; BIOMIN America, Inc.) on milk production and components in lactating dairy cows at commercial dairies. Each study was comprised of two treatment groups: 1) basal diet (CON) and 2) basal diet + DD, 2 g/h/d. Treatment groups were fed for 28, 140, and 180 d for trials (T) 1, 2, and 3, respectively. For 3 lactation groups (LACT): 1, 2, and 3, daily total weight for milk and test day fat and protein were collected and energy-corrected milk (ECM) calculated to adjust milk yield to a standard 3.5% and 3.2% fat and protein, respectively. Data were analyzed as repeated measures within trial and LACT with diet as a fixed effect using the GLIMMIX procedure of SAS. In T3, LACT1 DD had increased (P < 0.10) milk, reduced (P < 0.05) protein, and numerically improved fat and ECM compared with CON. In T2, LACT2 DD had reduced (P < 0.05) milk, but numerically improved fat and thus ECM compared with CON. Overall, ECM was on average across trials, numerically improved in DD by 0.64, 0.30, and 2.06 kg for LACT1, LACT2, and LACT3, respectively compared with CON. The DD benefit in ECM was primarily due to the numerical improvement in fat content across LACT and trials compared to CON. Fluid milk was improved by DD most in younger LACT groups; however, fat and ECM had the greatest improvement by DD in older LACT groups. Digestarom® Dairy may be a viable option for dairy producers seeking to improve their fat content and energy-corrected milk.
phytogenics,energy-corrected milk
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