Smart Garden with IoT based Plant Monitoring System

Solid State Technology(2020)

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Internet of things (IoT) is associated with a system of interconnected electronic devices throughthe internet due to which users and machines can interact which each other. Interactions include the exchangeof real-time data (from devices to consumers) and commands (from consumers to devices). This paper presentsIoT based smart garden which can be used to monitor the plant growth by monitoring the soil moisture andavailability of sunlight throughout the daytime. Why monitor through IoT based device? In today\u0027s fastgrowingworld, people are very much busy in there works and usually forget to water their plants or couldn\u0027tplace the flower pot at the right place where there is sufficient sunlight. Hence, our system is equipped withlight intensity and soil moisture sensor. It checks the availability of sunlight and moisture content in soil forthe plants on regular time intervals basis and the data is collected by the Bolt IoT platform. After the processingand verification of data by using a logic which is created using Integromat (cloud-based logic designing),accordingly an SMS is sent to our smartphone through Twilio (cloud communication platform) and then theuser will take required action according to the data. This smart gardening system will provide convenienceand comfort to the user without their physical presence and helps better care of our garden
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