Optimization Of The Mixture Transition Distribution Model Using The March Package For R


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Optimization of mixture models such as the mixture transition distribution (MTD) model is notoriously difficult because of the high complexity of their solution space. The best approach comprises combining features of two types of algorithms: an algorithm that can explore as completely as possible the whole solution space (e.g., an evolutionary algorithm), and another that can quickly identify an optimum starting from a set of initial conditions (for instance, an EM algorithm). The march package for the R environment is a library dedicated to the computation of Markovian models for categorical variables. It includes different algorithms that can manage the complexity of the MTD model, including an ad hoc hill-climbing procedure. In this article, we first discuss the problems related to the optimization of the MTD model, and then we show how march can be used to solve these problems; further, we provide different syntaxes for the computation of other models, including homogeneous Markov chains, hidden Markov models, and double chain Markov models.
Markov chain, MTD model, hidden Markov model, double chain Markov model, optimization, hill-climbing algorithm, evolutionary algorithm, general EM algorithm
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