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Analysis of mixed traffic with connected and non-connected vehicles based on lattice hydrodynamic model

Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation(2021)

Cited 31|Views21
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With the development of information technology, the communication between vehicle and vehicle(V2V), vehicle and infrastructure(V2I) promotes traffic efficiency and safety. In this work, we study the mixed traffic with connected and non-connected vehicles, and present the mixed traffic lattice hydrodynamic model. By using linear stability analysis, the stability conditions of the traffic system are obtained. The phase-plot shows that the communication range and permeability of connected vehicles have an important influence on the traffic system. Then we get the modified Korteweg-de Vries equation via nonlinear analysis. Furthermore, the numerical simulation results verify the theoretical results, and shows that increasing the communication range and permeability of connected vehicle will make the traffic system more stable. (C) 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
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Mixed traffic,Lattice hydrodynamic model,Traffic flow,Connected vehicles
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