A Seat at the Table: Black Feminist Thought as a Critical Framework for Inclusive Game Design

Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction(2020)

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AbstractGame-based second language (L2) learning represents an ideal alternative to foreign language classroom instruction. However, despite a diverse player demographic, the design of L2 games is often not informed by players representative of marginalized populations, especially women of color (i.e., Black women). Such oversight in the design process contributes to games that perpetuate gendered and racist stereotypes, and therefore, are less appealing to women of color. In response this dilemma, we utilize Black Feminist Thought (BFT) as a critical framework to engage Black women, a marginalized and understudied population within the gaming subculture, and more broadly, the Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) community in game design. Twenty-five Black women take on multiple roles as game designers, foreign language instructor, and informants who represent both producers and consumers throughout the conceptualization phase of a L2 mobile game prototype. Applying BFT principles, we leverage Black women\textquotesingle s lived intersectional experiences to transform the traditional game design process into a more inclusive design experience for Black women. In the context of games that support L2 learning, our findings reveal that Black women appreciate games that: 1. provide authentic cultural experiences; 2. feature intersectional game characters that reflect real life experiences; 3. accurately portray the diversity of Black women's bodies; and 4. provide opportunities for players to customize game assets. As a disruptor to traditional game design, BFT makes salient oppressive design practices within the gaming culture that also extend to the larger CSCW community, signifying the need to embrace more inclusive design practices that benefit Black women and other marginalized populations.
black feminist thought,black women,game design
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