Reliable Reverse Engineering of Intel DRAM Addressing Using Performance Counters

2020 28th International Symposium on Modeling, Analysis, and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (MASCOTS)(2020)

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The memory controller of a processor translates the physical memory address to hardware components such as memory channels, ranks, and banks. This DRAM address mapping is of interest to many researchers in the fields of IT security, hardware architecture, system software, and performance tuning. However, Intel processors are using a complex and undocumented DRAM addressing. The addressing can be different for every system because it depends on many aspects such as the processor model, DIMM population on the motherboard, and BIOS settings. Thus an analysis for every individual system is necessary. In this paper, we introduce an automatic and reliable method for reverse engineering the DRAM addressing of Intel server-class processors. In contrast to existing approaches, it is reliable, measurement errors are unlikely to occur, and can be detected if they occur. Our method mainly relies on CPU hardware performance counters to precisely locate the accessed DRAM component. It eliminates the problem of wrong attribution that is common in timing based approaches. We validated our method by reversing engineering the DRAM addressing of a diverse set of Intel processors. This set includes Broadwell, Haswell, and Skylake micro-architectures, with various core counts, DIMM arrangements, and BIOS settings. We show the correctness of the determined addressing functions using micro-benchmarks that access specific DRAM components.
DRAM,Reverse Engineering,Address Mapping,Performance Counters
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