
Niveles Séricos Y Fecales De Plomo En Niños Con Distintos Trastornos Digestivos Funcionales

Anales de pediatría(2022)

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INTRODUCTION:To investigate the blood lead levels (BLLs) and faecal lead levels (FLLs) in children with various functional gastrointestinal disorders (FGIDs) and compare them with controls.PATIENTS AND METHODS:One hundred and 2children with FGIDs defined by the Rome IV criteria, aged 4 -18 years, and one hundred and 2sex matched healthy children were enrolled in the study. Children with FGIDs were divided into 3subgroups as functional constipation (FC) (n=36), functional abdominal pain (FAP) (n=36) and functional náusea (FN) (n=30). The lead levels were measured using atomic absorption spectrometer.RESULTS:The median BLLs in the FGIDs group was significantly higher than in controls (5.12 and 1.77μg/dL, respectively). The BLLs were above 5μg/dL in 51,9% of children with FGIDs. There was statistically significant difference in BLLs between FC subgroup and the other subgroups (FAP and FN) (P=.003, P<.001 respectively). The FLLs in the FGIDs group was significantly higher than in controls (28.08 and 0.01μg/g, respectively). There was no significant difference in FLLs between FC subgroup and the other subgroups (P=.992, P=.989 respectively). No significant relation found between BLLs and FLLs of the FGIDs group (P =.123).CONCLUSION:This study revealed that children with FGIDs had higher BLLs and FLLs than controls and also more than half of children with FGIDs had BLLs ≥5μg/dL which is toxic level. These results might revive the question of whether or not clinician need to evaluate routine BLLs in children with FGIDs.
Trastornos gastrointestinales funcionales,Niveles de plomo en sangre,Niveles de plomo en heces,Niños
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