
Chemical and Functional Analyses of Rhinella Icterica (spix, 1824) Toad Secretion Screened on Contractions of the Heart and Oviduct in Locusta Migratoria.

Journal of insect physiology(2021)

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Rhinella icterica is a Brazilian toad with a parotoid secretion that is toxic to insects. In this work, we examined the entomotoxicity of this secretion in locust (Locusta migratoria) semi-isolated heart and oviduct preparations in vitro. The parotoid secretion caused negative chronotropism in semi-isolated heart preparations (at the highest dose tested: 500 mu g) and markedly enhanced the amplitude of spontaneous contractions and tonus of oviduct muscle (0.001-100 mu g). In addition, the secretion enhanced neurally-evoked contractions of oviduct muscle, which was more sensitive to low concentrations of secretion than the semi-isolated heart. The highest dose of secretion (100 mu g) caused neuromuscular blockade. In zero calcium-high magnesium saline, the secretion still enhanced muscle tonus, suggesting the release of intracellular calcium to stimulate contraction. Reverse-phase HPLC of the secretion yielded eight fractions, of which only fractions 4 and 5 affected oviduct muscle tonus and neurally-evoked contractions. No phospholipase A(2) activity was detected in the secretion or its chromatographic fractions. The analysis of fractions 4 and 5 by LC-DAD-MS/MS revealed the following chemical compounds: suberoyl arginine, hellebrigenin, hellebrigenin 3-suberoyl arginine ester, marinobufagin 3-pimeloyl arginine ester, telocinobufagin 3-suberoyl arginine ester, marinobufagin 3-suberoyl arginine ester, bufalin 3-adipoyl arginine, marinobufagin, bufotalinin, and bufalitoxin. These findings indicate that R. icterica parotoid secretion is active in both of the preparations examined, with the activity in oviduct possibly being mediated by bufadienolides.
Anuran parotoid secretions,Entomotoxicity,Neurotoxicity,Proctolin receptors
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