
Cytotoxic and Genotoxic Effects in Human Gingival Fibroblast and Ions Release of Endodontic Sealers Incorporated with Nanostructured Silver Vanadate.

Journal of biomedical materials research Part B, Applied biomaterials(2021)

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The cytotoxic and genotoxic effects of commercial endodontic sealers (AH Plus, Sealer 26 and Endomethasone N) incorporated with nanostructured silver vanadate decorated with silver nanoparticles (AgVO3 - at concentrations 2.5, 5, and 10%) on human gingival fibroblast (HGF), and the silver (Ag+) and vanadium (V4+/V5+) ions release were evaluated. Cytotoxicity, cell death, and genotoxicity tests were carried out with extract samples of 24-hr and 7-days. The release of Ag+ and V4+/V5+ was evaluated. Cytotoxicity in HGF was caused by AH Plus (AP) with 5 and 10% of AgVO3 (83.84 and 67.49% cell viability, respectively) with 24-hr extract (p < 0.05), as well as all concentrations of AP with 7-days extract (p < 0.05 -AP 0% = 73.17%; AP 2.5% = 75.07%; AP 5% = 70.62%; AP 10% = 68.46% cell viability). The commercial sealers Sealer 26 (S26) and Endomethasone N (EN) were cytotoxic (p < 0.05 - S26 0% = 34.81%; EN 0% = 20.99% cell viability with 7-days extract). AP 10% with 7-days extract induced 32% apoptotic cells in HGF (p < 0.05). Genotoxic effect was not observed. The AP groups released more Ag+, while S26 and EN released more V4+/V5+ in 24 hr. The Ag+ can be cytotoxic. In conclusion, the cytotoxicity caused to HGF can be attributed by the commercial sealers and enhanced by incorporation of AgVO3, was not observed genotoxic effect, and apoptosis was induced only by AH Plus 10% 7-days extract. Ag+ can influence cell viability.
apoptosis,cytotoxicity,endodontic sealers,genotoxicity,ions
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