
Corrigendum to “correlation of Tumor Spread Through Air Spaces and Clinicopathological Characteristics in Surgically Resected Lung Adenocarcinomas” [lung Cancer 126 (2018) 189–193]

Lung Cancer(2019)

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Errors occurred in Table 2, “Association between STAS and clinicopathological characteristics and genetic mutations” which are corrected here. Specifically, the patient number of T1mi and T1a were 61 and 103, respectively. Positive STAS was noted in 11.7% (12/103) of T1a patients, and was not noted in all T1mi patients. The authors would like to apologize for any inconvenience caused. Table 2 Association between STAS and clinicopathological characteristics and genetic mutationsTabled 1VariablesAll patientsSTASp Value+–Number of patients500134 (26.8)366Tumor size (cm)1.82.5 ± 1.41.6 ± 1.2<0.001Differentiation<0.001 Well1558 (5.2)147 Moderate/poor345126 (36.5)219Visceral pleural invasion<0.001 Positive7035 (50.0)35 Negative43099 (23.0)331Vascular invasion<0.001 Positive8351 (61.4)32 Negative41783 (19.9)334Resection margin0.120 Free484127 (26.2)357 Involvement167 (43.8)9Predominant subtype<0.001 Lepidic13811 (8.0)127 Non-lepidic362123 (34.0)239Acinar18552 (28.1)133Papillary6020 (33.3)40Micropapillary3222 (68.8)10Solid1812 (66.7)6Mixed type3410 (29.4)24Others337 (21.2)26T stage<0.001 Tis-T1a18912 (6.4)177Tis250 (0.0)25T1mi610 (0.0)61T1a10312 (11.7)91 T1b-T4311122 (39.2)189T1b12941 (31.8)88T1c7331 (42.5)42T29040 (44.4)50T3, T41910 (52.6)9N stage<0.001 N0448101 (22.5)347 N11812 (66.7)6 N23421 (61.8)13Pathological stage<0.001 AIS250 (0.0)25 1A116210 (6.2)152 1A212438 (30.6)86 1A35720 (35.1)37 1B6325 (39.7)38 II2918 (62.1)11 III4023 (57.5)17EGFR0.003 Positive26986 (32.0)183 Negative18744 (23.5)143 N/A44KRAS0.026 Positive114 (36.4)7 Negative442125 (28.3)317 N/A47BRAF0.003 Positive22 (100.0)0 Negative451127 (28.2)324 N/A47HER20.022 Positive71 (14.3)6 Negative446128 (28.7)318 N/A4710 (34.5)19ALK0.002 Positive136 (46.2)7 Negative17661 (34.7)115 N/A311 Open table in a new tab Values are presented as n (%) or mean ± standard deviation. Abbreviations: AIS, adenocarcinoma in situ; ALK, anaplastic lymphoma kinase; EGFR, epidermal growth factor receptor; HER2, human epidermal growth factor receptor 2; STAS, spread through air spaces. Correlation of tumor spread through air spaces and clinicopathological characteristics in surgically resected lung adenocarcinomasLung CancerVol. 126PreviewThe current standard for non–small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) pathological TNM staging is based on the American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC) Cancer Staging Manual, 8th edition [1]. The pathological prognostic factors incorporated in the 8th TNM staging system are histological non-invasive subtype and visceral pleural invasion. Other clinicopathological characteristics, such as lymphovascular invasion, elevated serum carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) level, and tumor differentiation, were also proven to be correlated with survival in NSCLCs [2,3]. Full-Text PDF
Tumor Heterogeneity,Tumor Staging,Cancer Imaging
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