Mechanical robustness of HL-LHC collimator designs

Journal of Physics Conference Series(2019)

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Two new absorbing materials were developed as collimator inserts to fulfil the requirements of HL-LHC higher brightness beams: molybdenum-carbide graphite (MoGr) and copper-diamond (CuCD). These materials were tested under intense beam impacts at CERN HiRadMat facility in 2015, when full jaw prototypes were irradiated. Additional tests in HiRadMat were performed in 2017 on another series of material samples, including also improved grades of MoGr and CuCD, and different coating solutions. This paper summarizes the main results of the two experiments, with a main focus on the behaviour of the novel composite blocks, the metallic housing, as well as the cooling circuit. The experimental campaign confirmed the final choice for the materials and the design solutions for HL-LHC collimators, and constituted a unique chance of benchmarking numerical models. In particular, the tests validated the selection of MoGr for primary and secondary collimators, and CuCD as a valid solution for robust tertiary collimators.
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