The number of SNPs required for distinguishing Japanese from other East Asians.

Legal medicine (Tokyo, Japan)(2021)

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In some cases, it is necessary to estimate the national origin of an unknown subject in forensic medicine. The use of single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers appears to be very effective for this purpose, since genome-wide SNP genotype data of many human populations are publicly available. In this study, we examined the number of SNPs that could objectively and accurately distinguish Japanese subjects (1KG-JPT) from the other East Asians (1KG-CDX, -CHB, -CHS, and -KHV) using the combination of principal component analysis and hierarchical cluster analysis. A computer simulation showed that approximately 3000 randomly selected SNPs were enough for the discrimination. Our results suggest that at least a 0.024% coverage is needed in the next generation sequencing experiment to objectively determine whether an unknown person is Japanese or not if the amount of DNA sample from him/her is insufficient or the quality is low.
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