
Dissecting intratumoral heterogeneity of central nervous system germ cell tumors by single-cell rna-sequencing


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Abstract BACKGROUND Central nervous system germ cell tumor (CNSGCT) is a rare pediatric brain tumor. However, they are found at a relatively high incidence in East Asia. Germinoma is sensitive toward radiotherapy and chemotherapy; however, non-germinoma GCTs (NGGCT) often show poor response. Some cases are a mixture of germinoma and NGGCT (mixed GCT), and they sometimes change histological subtypes at recurrence. Previous report demonstrated that a germinoma and NGGCT component within the same mixed GCT tissue shared the same gene mutation, whereas the genome-wide methylation profiles were distinct from each other. The methylation profiles of germinoma was similar to the primordial germ cells (PGC) at the migration phase, supporting a model that PGC is the cell of origin for CNSGCT. However, tumor heterogeneity hinder information of the mixed bulk RNA-sequence data, causing difficulty in elucidating the mechanism of tumor development. The purpose of this study was to investigate the tumor cells subpopulations at the resolution of individual cells by single-cell RNA-seq. RESULTS Fresh surgical tumor tissue was immediately dissociated mechanically and enzymatically. Tumor cells are separated from CD45-labelled lymphocytes by FACS, and libraries were generated by Chromium Single cell 3’ Reagent Kit. Total of 11 tumor samples were collected and sequenced. Unsupervised Clustering showed individual clusters. One of the clusters had high expression of Oct-4, which is a marker of germinoma. The other clusters showed different subtypes of cells representing the heterogeneity of CNSGCT. Further analysis including a pseudo-time course analysis is underway to identify the lineage of tumor cell development.
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