
Effects of Ageing on the Surface Characteristics and Cu(ii) Adsorption Behaviour of Rice Husk Biochar in Soil

Open Chemistry(2020)

引用 3|浏览16
The properties of rice husk biochar during the ageing process in soil and the resulting impacts on sorption capacity with respect to Cu(ii) were assessed. Rice husk-derived biochar was placed in fabric bags and buried in a plastic incubator filled with soil for 0–240 d. The aged biochar was then characterised and its sorption capacity compared with control (unaged) biochar in batch sorption experiments. The structural composition and morphology of the biochar before and after ageing were analysed based on element composition, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) coupled with energy X-ray dispersive spectroscopy (EDS), diffuse reflectance infrared Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (DRIFTS), and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The concentration of O, atomic O/C ratios, and carboxyl and hydroxyl functional groups increased at the surface of the biochar during ageing, which together indicated oxidation. Within the biochar particles, O/C ratios progressively increased towards their outer surfaces. Furthermore, ageing for more than 120 d facilitated Cu(ii) sorption as oxygen-containing groups were able to develop. The maximum adsorption capacity (qm) of biochar increased by 1.24 ∼ 1.32 times after ageing in the soil for 240 d. It is suggested that biochar surface properties were gradually altered during environmental exposure and the aged rice husk biochar showed increased performance in Cu(ii) adsorption. However, the performance of aged biochar as a soil remediator or conditioner will be affected by the ageing process and interactions among different soil components. As such, further research is required to evaluate these complex effects.
biochar,ageing,surface properties,adsorption,Cu(II)
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