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Water vapor line profile at 183-GHz: Temperature dependence of broadening, shifting, and speed-dependent shape parameters

Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer(2021)

Cited 6|Views6
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•First measurement of SD ЫВ broadening and shifting of the 183-GHz water line for self- and air-broadening, and their temperature dependences.•MCRB calculations of the line shape parameters, their temperature and speed-dependence over the range of 200–3000 K agree with measurements.•The impact of the updated spectroscopic parameters on radiative-transfer calculations and atmospheric water-vapor retrievals is calculated.•Consideration of speed-dependence is necessary for accurate atmospheric water vapor profile retrieval with the 183-GHz line.
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Microwave laboratory spectroscopy,Modified complex Robert–Bonamy calculations,Radiative transfer modeling,Speed-dependent profile,Water vapor,Line shape parameters
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