
The Mgδlpn Mouse Model for Marfan Syndrome Recapitulates the Ocular Phenotypes of the Disease

Experimental eye research/Experimental Eye Research(2021)

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Purpose: Fibrillin-1 and -2 are major components of tissue microfibrils that compose the ciliary zonule and cornea. While mutations in human fibrillin-1 lead to ectopia lentis, a major manifestation of Marfan syndrome (MFS), in mice fibrillin-2 can compensate for reduced/lack of fibrillin-1 and maintain the integrity of ocular structures. Here we examine the consequences of a heterozygous dominant-negative mutation in the Fbn1 gene in the ocular system of the mg Delta(lpn) mouse model for MFS. Methods: Eyes from mg Delta(lpn) and wild-type mice at 3 and 6 months of age were analyzed by histology. The ciliary zonule was analyzed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and immunofluorescence. Results: Mutant mice presented a significantly larger distance of the ciliary body to the lens at 3 and 6 months of age when compared to wild-type, and ectopia lentis. Immunofluorescence and SEM corroborated those findings in MFS mice, revealing a disorganized mesh of microfibrils on the floor of the ciliary body. Moreover, mutant mice also had a larger volume of the anterior chamber, possibly due to excess aqueous humor. Finally, losartan treatment had limited efficacy in improving ocular phenotypes. Conclusions: In contrast with null or hypomorphic mutations, expression of a dominant-negative form of fibrillin-1 leads to disruption of microfibrils in the zonule of mice. This in turn causes lens dislocation and enlargement of the anterior chamber. Therefore, heterozygous mg Delta(lpn) mice recapitulate the major ocular phenotypes of MFS and can be instrumental in understanding the development of the disease.
Ciliary zonule,Extracellular matrix,Fibrillin-1,Marfan syndrome,Mice model
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