
Pulmonary and vascular effects of acute ozone exposure in diabetic rats fed an atherogenic diet

Toxicology and applied pharmacology(2021)

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Air pollutants may increase risk for cardiopulmonary disease, particularly in susceptible populations with metabolic stressors such as diabetes and unhealthy diet. We investigated effects of inhaled ozone exposure and high-cholesterol diet (HCD) in healthy Wistar and Wistar-derived Goto-Kakizaki (GK) rats, a non-obese model of type 2 diabetes. Male rats (4-week old) were fed normal diet (ND) or HCD for 12 weeks and then exposed to filtered air or 1.0 ppm ozone (6 h/day) for 1 or 2 days. We examined pulmonary, vascular, hematology, and inflammatory responses after each exposure plus an 18-h recovery period. In both strains, ozone induced acute bronchiolar epithelial necrosis and inflammation on histopathology and pulmonary protein leakage and neu-trophilia; the protein leakage was more rapid and persistent in GK compared to Wistar rats. Ozone also decreased lymphocytes after day 1 in both strains consuming ND (-50%), while HCD increased circulating leukocytes. Ozone increased plasma thrombin/antithrombin complexes and platelet disaggregation in Wistar rats on HCD and exacerbated diet effects on serum IFN-?, IL-6, KC-GRO, IL-13, and TNF-?, which were higher with HCD (Wistar>GK). Ex vivo aortic contractility to phenylephrine was lower in GK versus Wistar rats at baseline (-30%); ozone enhanced this effect in Wistar rats on ND. GK rats on HCD had higher aortic e-NOS and tPA expression compared to Wistar rats. Ozone increased e-NOS in GK rats on ND (-3-fold) and Wistar rats on HCD (-2-fold). These findings demonstrate ways in which underlying diabetes and HCD may exacerbate pulmonary, systemic, and vascular effects of inhaled pollutants.
Ozone,Type 2 Diabetes Rat Model,Western High-Cholesterol Diet,Pulmonary Injury,Systemic Inflammation,Vasocontraction
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