BiLSTM-Autoencoder Architecture for Stance Prediction

S. Meena Padnekar,G. Santhosh Kumar,P. Deepak

2020 International Conference on Data Science and Engineering (ICDSE)(2020)

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The recent surge in the abundance of fake news appearing on social media and news websites poses a potential threat to high-quality journalism. Misinformation hurts people, society, science, and democracy. This reason has led many researchers to develop techniques to identify fake news. In this paper, we discuss a stance prediction technique using the Deep Learning approach, which can be used as a factor to determine the authenticity of news articles. The Fake News Stance Prediction is the process of automatically classifying the stance of a news article towards a target into one of the following classes: Agree, Disagree, Discuss, Unrelated. The stance prediction task's input is the news articles containing a pair: a headline as the target and a body as a claim. This paper proposes a deep learning architecture using Bi-directional Long Short Term Memory and Autoencoder for stance prediction. We illustrate, through empirical studies, that the method is reasonably accurate at predicting stance, achieving a classification accuracy as high as 94%. The proposed stance detection method would be useful for assessing the credibility of news articles.
Stance Prediction,Fake News Detection,NLP,Deep Learning
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