
Fins Infestation Induced by Myxobolus Xiantaoensis in Yellow Catfish Tachysurus Fulvidraco Richardson, 1846: Some Pathophysiological and Molecular Insights.

Microbial pathogenesis(2021)

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The myxozoan parasite Myxobolus xiantaoensis is a fin pathogen of commercially important yellow catfish Tachysurus fulvidraco Richardson, 1846, in the freshwater ponds of China. In the present work, four geographical isolates of M. xiantaoensis were sampled from the fins of yellow catfish. It was found that the spores of four isolates exhibited few markable differences in morphometrics. The small subunit ribosomal DNA (SSU rDNA) sequences of four isolates were conspecific to the SSU rDNA sequence of M. xiantaoensis. No genetic level variation was observed, even in the characteristically more variable internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region. This absence of variability suggests high gene flow as a result of panmixia in the parasitic populations. ITS phylogeny placed four isolates of M. xiantaoensis in a clade together with myxozoans species infecting Siluriformes. The M. xiantaoensis infection inflicted severe hemorrhages on epidermis of ray-fins, which grew into inflammatory epithelial hyperplasia and lytic cartilage signs. The histochemical analysis of infected fins biopsies is characterized by damage of collagen components of cartilage, resulting in weakness, breaks, and missing fin rays. These tissue sections also had a remarkable inflammatory response around the fin cartilage, with the absence of mature spores and chondrocytes. These results indicate that the fin cartilage damage appeared before the development of tissue inflammation and the parasitic infestation of the fins. The present four geographical isolates of M. xiantaoensis were identified by a holistic approach of species characterization based on biological, morphological, and molecular evidence. These four isolates showed some morphological and genetic variations but within the intraspecific range.
Fins,Internal transcribed spacers gene,Myxobolus xiantaoensis,Tachysurus fulvidraco,Fish parasites
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